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3 Lessons to Improve Your Own Resilience - CC Pace

Written by Suzie Wheeler | Oct 19, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Resilience.  It is defined as: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.  It is something that many of us were taught early as toddlers by our parents. We’d fall down, and they would say, “Get up, shake it off, keep on going”. In school, maybe you ran for class office and didn’t win, or you tried out for a team and didn’t make it, or you applied for a certain college and didn’t get accepted.  And again, your parents would say, “It is okay, you tried. There is something else out there for you, keep trying, move forward; there is a better fit for you somewhere else”.  And as you get older, the stakes become bigger, you want that perfect job with the perfect company, you want that promotion and perhaps you are not successful 100% of the time.  Resilience.  According to the author, Jeffry Harrison, of the attached article, resilience is the one quality all successful people have in common.  People aren’t born destined for success; it is not fate. They have something in common: they are resilient.  He says that we are all born with this in us, we just have to learn to develop it and use it.  Interesting, right?  Develop it and use it.  So when those speed bumps feel like mountains, get up out of bed, pull the blinds back and take steps to move forward….

Enjoy the below article by Jeffry Harrison, and the three lessons he has learned to use and improve your own resilience in your professional life.