Blog | CC Pace

A Healthy Start to the New Year - CC Pace

Written by Heather Cleary | Feb 19, 2015 5:00:00 AM

This is typically the time of year that everyone is recovering from the holidays, not only financially but physically.  On average individuals can gain from 1-3 lbs. over the holiday season.  That might not seem like much but over time this can add up quickly and is considered a major contributor to obesity later in life.  Making even the smallest adjustments can make a huge impact when you are trying to get back into shape, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking further away from your destination, both can help you get in a few extra steps.  Eating breakfast is also an important step you can take to maximize your weight loss.  Researchers at The National Weight Control Registry found that individuals who ate breakfast every morning were not only able to lose weight quicker but also able to maintain the loss for at least a year and some as long as six years.

As part of the CC Pace Health and Wellness initiative we have started offering our employees healthy snacks and fruit to enjoy throughout the day.  We have also put up a Health and Wellness bulletin board in our kitchen that lists some helpful tips about staying healthy, eating right and reducing stress.  The HR department is busy looking into many possible events for the upcoming year such as, guest speakers, healthy pot lucks, and some contests to inspire some friendly competition.

We want to make it fun and easy for our employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Making just a few adjustments can help you get back on track; after all, summer is right around the corner!