Blog | CC Pace

Agile 2 is here! - CC Pace

Written by Philippa Fewell | Oct 19, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Agile 2 is here!

I was fortunate to be included in a group of exceptional Agile leaders and practitioners, led by Clifford Berg, to retrospect on Agile and improve upon what it has become over the last 20 years.  Each of us began by citing issues and problems we have encountered over the years, drawing on our unique experiences.  Not all of us experienced the same issues, but it was eye opening to discover what others came up with because of the diversity of the group both in practice and expertise.

We then discussed why we felt the problems occurred and what could be done to change them.  This led us to revisiting the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto and many of the frameworks we use today.  While I am vested in many of these, having become certified in them myself and trained others on them as well, I have seen where lack of clarity or difference of interpretation, as well as too much emphasis placed on prescription, leads to less than successful outcomes.

It is this clarity and thoughtfulness that Agile 2 seeks to deliver.  It is a set of values and principles based on common problems that we believe will resonate with you, the Agile practitioner.  My colleagues and I are proud of Agile 2 and the potential impact we believe it can have on the current state of Agile.  Have we gotten it all right?  Undoubtedly there is room for debate. Have we missed some valuable principles?  Perhaps. And that is why we want Agile 2 to be open to ideas from the community, and there will be an Agile 2 version 1.1.  We respect and welcome your input and ideas.  We want Agile 2 to be constantly improving on what it is today so that it stays relevant.  There will be Agile 2 community forums, and to begin that, there is a LinkedIn group. A book is on the way. The Agile 2 website is at Check it out!