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    Posts by Leslie Lowman

    Featured Post
    Jul 8, 2024
    5 min

    Organizational Dysfunctions are a Productivity Killer. Dysfunction Mapping can help

    In my experience as an Agile coach, I’ve seen firsthand how organizational dysfunctions and inter-team conflicts can be the...

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    June 18, 2015
    5 min

    Go, Go, Go, STOP!!

    When an organization decides they want to “Go Agile”, they usually go through a... Continue Reading
    June 2, 2015
    6 min

    The US Scrum Gathering – 2015

    Each year, the notable Scrum Alliance hosts a Scrum Gathering in an energetic city... Continue Reading
    May 6, 2015
    4 min

    High Velocity ≠ Effectiveness

    Teams that are using the Scrum framework to become more Agile usually use velocity... Continue Reading
    April 13, 2015
    6 min

    'Agile in Government' Conference

    On February 25th and 26th, I had the pleasure of attending the “Agile in Government”... Continue Reading
    April 8, 2015
    7 min

    The Sprint Bubble

    Have you ever wondered exactly what types of things a team does during a Sprint or... Continue Reading
    April 2, 2015
    3 min

    PMI-ACP and All the Hype

    When people see my business card or email signature, they sometimes question the... Continue Reading
    March 10, 2015
    3 min

    Tips to Transforming Your Technical World

    In a prior post, Getting Ready for Your Technical Transformation, I defined... Continue Reading
    March 9, 2015
    5 min

    Contracts and Vendors – The Agile Impact

    As you many have read in my prior post about The Agile Impact regarding “Telework... Continue Reading
    February 24, 2015
    3 min

    Getting Ready for Your Agile Technical Transformation - Part 1

    As your organization prepares to transition to an Agile one, you will most likely... Continue Reading
    February 3, 2015
    4 min

    Transforming to a Cross Functional Team

    In a previous blog, “The Reality of T.E.A.M”, I talked about Agile teams being... Continue Reading
    January 28, 2015
    4 min

    Telework and Modified Schedules – The Agile Impact

    Agencies around the government are beginning to see more and more of their employees... Continue Reading
    December 13, 2014
    4 min

    The Reality of T.E.A.M.

    One of the hardest things for companies transforming to Agile to accept is the idea... Continue Reading