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    October 16, 2024

    Finding Fulfillment: How Purpose-Driven Work Sparks Engagement and Success

    Have you ever dreaded going to work on Monday mornings? Do you find yourself watching the clock, waiting for the workday to end? Many people go through the motions at work, driven only by extrinsic rewards like salary, status, and time off - things that are nice, but do they truly make you happy? When it comes to finding job satisfaction, it's the day-to-day sense of purpose that gets us jumping out of bed in the morning.

    Don’t believe me?

    Take a minute, close your eyes, and reflect on the best job you have ever worked on. Why was it such a great experience for you? Was it working with a great team? Solving a complex problem? Maybe you felt a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps it was a combination of all these factors.

    Was it the extrinsic rewards that kept you engaged, or was it an intrinsic feeling? I thought so.

    When you consider the attributes that made the experience rewarding, you’ll likely notice that the qualities were intrinsically motivating - your interest in the work itself was meaningful and valuable. I certainly found this to be true while working on an assignment in graduate school. We were asked to write a reflection paper about a 'personal best' work experience, and without hesitation, a project from CC Pace came quickly to mind. As I wrote - and reflected, the positive emotions from that experience came flooding back - the progress we made as a team, the innovation we infused into the project, and the sense of pride in the final product.

    My 'personal best' became the genesis for deeper research into workplace motivation and engagement, and it was also the spark that led me to design and implement CC Pace’s Client Success program. When I stepped into my role as the Director of Client Success, my vision for the program was to create an outstanding consulting experience for clients and consultants by focusing on the attributes that foster rewarding work experiences and lead to impactful business outcomes.

    In consulting, we often see a symbiotic relationship - happy, engaged consultants perform exceptional work that builds client satisfaction, and delighted clients, in turn, provide interesting projects where consultants thrive and have a meaningful work experience. On paper, this sounds simple, but after working in consulting for over a decade, I can say without hesitation that it is much harder than you think. Each consulting engagement is unique; the team dynamics, the organization’s culture, and the consultant’s and client’s expectations vary across a wide array of projects and workplace environments. But what remains constant and at the center of every engagement is the client-consultant relationship and understanding the intrinsic factors that motivate the consultant to do their best work.

    Our Client Success program is designed around a series of modules that focus on building and strengthening this symbiotic relationship. We support our consultants throughout the project, acting as an advocate and fostering close, trusting relationships through ongoing dialogue and purposeful action.

    Throughout each consulting engagement, I meet with consultants across our client base and begin almost every conversation the same way, asking one simple question - “Are you happy?” Their answer provides invaluable insight into their feelings about their work experience and an opportunity to course-correct when needed because when consultants find intrinsic satisfaction, it leads to greater stability and success for the engagement.

    Let me share three recent real-world examples that highlight how considering intrinsic satisfaction drives a sense of commitment, motivation, and productivity in our consultants. These stories show how aligning work with personal goals, addressing challenges, and creating an impact can turn everyday consulting situations into fulfilling and rewarding professional experiences.

    1. Prioritizing Consultant Satisfaction

    A few months ago, I was meeting with a technical developer who felt their project didn’t align with their skills. This situation reminded me of the importance of creating a space where our consultants feel comfortable being open – something I strive for in the Client Success program. To be honest, it’s no small thing that they came to me with concerns instead of quietly resigning or disengaging from the project. After discussing the feedback with the client, we worked together to adjust the role so it better fit the consultant’s goals. The client manager even said, “I want people to be happy because when they’re happy, it’s not work.”

    Those words really stuck with me. It wasn’t just about adjusting the project - it was about creating an environment where the consultant could find meaning and fulfillment in their work. When people feel aligned with what they’re doing, it stops being just a job. It becomes a personal source of satisfaction, which naturally leads to greater engagement. And the best part? That same consultant is now a full-time employee with the client - a win-win for everyone involved.

    2. Addressing Challenges and Strengthening Commitment 

    Recently, another consultant came to me because the client was asking her to take on tasks outside the scope of her role. This can be tricky, right? You want to keep the client happy, but you also need to respect the boundaries of the role. It’s one of those situations that can quickly become frustrating if not handled well.

    She brought the issue to me, and together with our practice leader and account manager, we came up with a plan that allowed her to maintain a positive relationship with the client while staying within her role’s scope. What really stood out to me was the shift in her attitude afterward. Once the issue was resolved, she felt more in control and reconnected with her work. It reminded me of how important it is for consultants to feel supported - not just in terms of the work they do but also in maintaining their professional boundaries. When they feel supported, their commitment deepens, and they bring renewed energy to their work. The consultant’s contract was just extended for another six months, and she is enjoying the opportunity.

    3. Finding Purpose Through Tangible Impact

    And lastly, there’s the story of a test automation consultant who was working on a core business application with complex business rules. He automated numerous test cases, which saves the client four full days of test execution time. That’s a huge win for both the project and the client. With every new release, there are enhancements to test and automate, so he knows just how valuable his work is to the client’s success.

    What he shared with me is that the real reward for him isn’t just the technical achievement - it’s the direct impact his work has on the client’s business. That’s what drives him; as he said when we chatted last week, “That’s my value-add.” He takes pride in knowing his expertise is making a difference, driving efficiency, and contributing to the client’s goals. It’s that sense of purpose - knowing your efforts matter - that keeps him engaged and motivated. At the end of the day, seeing your work create meaningful change is what makes consulting fulfilling.


    In conclusion, I could share countless stories from my daily work, each one highlighting how intrinsic motivators shape the work experience and strengthen the symbiotic client-consultant relationship. In every aspect of the Client Success program, we strive to create an experience where consultants feel valued, aligned, and engaged - because when people find meaning in their work, everything changes. Since the program's inception, we've seen reduced attrition, increased engagement, increased motivation, and job satisfaction, and better alignment between consultants and roles where they excel. For me, nothing is more fulfilling than helping others unlock their potential and discover purpose in their work - it’s my intrinsic reward. Thankfully, the professional rewards I seek benefit me, our consultants, and CC Pace. #PurposeDrivenWork


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