Blog | CC Pace

Laid Off – Now What? - CC Pace

Written by Suzie Wheeler | Dec 12, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Laid Off are words that carry a huge amount of uncertainty. The current economic situation in the U.S.  is impacting a wide variety of industries, leaving many individuals unemployed and asking, what do I do now?

Coping with the emotions that come with the news of being laid off is hard and can make it difficult for you to focus on the details of what to address at that moment.  This article You’ve Been Laid Off, Now What? Here are 3 steps to take if you lose your job, details some important items as to how you can protect yourself financially.  In addition, as you begin your journey to finding your next career opportunity, check out CC Pace’s job postings and connect with our consultative recruiting team to see how they can be of help to you in your search.