Blog | CC Pace

Making Resolutions and Setting Goals for 2019! - CC Pace

Written by P. Henricks | Jan 25, 2019 5:00:00 AM

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2019? The most common resolutions people make on a personal level are to exercise more, lose weight, get organized and save money.  The start of a new year is also the ideal time of year to define and set your business goals as well.

Why set business goals? Business goals can determine the direction of your career, motivate you to keep moving forward and measure your success.  Setting business goals may be something you decide to do individually as personal career goals, with others as a team, or even on a company level. First and foremost, your personal business goals should focus on moving you forward professionally and expanding your skills development.

Examples of personal business goals may include:

  • To grow your network
  • Learn a new skill
  • Become a thought leader in your field
  • Set aside time on your calendar each week to manage your emails
  • Research business solutions
  • Become a better listener

Write down your goals and specific action steps so you can see them and keep track of your success. Don’t rush and try to tackle them all at once. Take your time and focus on only one or two at a time. At the end of the year, take a moment to review all that you have accomplished – you will be surprised by what you can do once you set a goal.

At CC Pace, we have helped over 35,000 people reach their professional goals through our training offerings. We have a variety of resources available to help further your learning on our website including: articles, white papers and blogs posts; as well as our training offerings, to help you further your knowledge and skills.

Happy New Year – Here’s to making 2019 your most successful year yet!