Blog | CC Pace

Monday, Friend or Foe? - CC Pace

Written by P. Henricks & E. Palomino | Feb 28, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Good Morning – Yes, it is time to brace ourselves it’s Monday, again! I think I can hear the communal groan from here. What is it about Mondays anyway? Perhaps it’s because they are the first hint of responsibility after two glorious days of fun, maybe it’s that annoying buzz at way-too-early o’clock that you haven’t heard in two days, or it’s because it marks the beginning of the week, and all beginnings are challenging at best – but Mondays sure get a bad rap. Songs such as I Don’t Like MondaysManic Monday, and Rainy Days and Mondays are only more proof that we all have some angst towards Mondays.

Trying to tackle a change of perspective regarding Mondays may seem like a fool’s errand but hear me out. What if, along with the not-so-positive aspects about Monday, we also consider that they provide an opportunity for a fresh start and a clean slate? The ultimate reset button if you will. Perhaps, this Monday is THE day that everything falls into place for you. Consider that trying to start the new week off with a positive outlook may be the key to unlocking your inner #MondayMotivation. At the very least, you know that the first cup of coffee tastes better on Monday morning.

Still, no? Ok well, maybe we can offer some help to get you through the 52 Mondays each year: here is a link to some Monday motivational quotes for inspiration, or how about some ways to beat the Monday blues. Opting for easy dinner ideas may be the answer to making Monday more bearable. In any case, here we are this Monday morning, so grab your coffee, open the shades, and let’s kickstart the day!