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    CC Pace Culture
    July 1, 2019
    3 min

    Team Building at Its’ Best

    Our recent quarterly meeting made for a fun afternoon and evening for everyone. We... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    June 11, 2019
    5 min

    URLA is coming

    The new URLA is coming. But the status report, for July 2019, is decidedly Red. Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    May 13, 2019
    6 min

    The Who, What, When and Where of CC Pace

    Living in the digital age, it is not difficult to be familiar with a company’s name,... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    April 10, 2019
    6 min

    We Love Our People!

    As any successful leader will tell you, it is the people in your company who... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    February 27, 2019
    3 min

    Is your pricing compliant? Questioning a long-held assumption...

    CC Pace recently completed an interesting project for a mortgage lender who had just... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    January 25, 2019
    2 min

    Making Resolutions and Setting Goals for 2019!

    What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2019? The most common resolutions people... Continue Reading
    January 8, 2019
    8 min

    Automated Testing Keeps the World Turning 

    I recently came across a blog written by a former developer at ORACLE. Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 20, 2018
    5 min

    We’ve got Spirit, Awards and Toys!

    Last week we had our quarterly staff meeting and the room was full of company spirit... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 10, 2018
    2 min

    SOME Harvest Gala 2018

    This year marked the 32nd Annual Gala and Silent Auction held by SOME (So Other... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    December 5, 2018
    4 min

    Adaptability is the New Efficiency

    Although Charles Darwin adopted the term “Survival of the Fittest” from Herbert... Continue Reading
    Career Advice
    November 6, 2018
    1 min

    Working Together with Millennials

    Now that you have hired millennials, this last blog in our millennials series... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    October 16, 2018
    1 min

    Three Cheers for 20 Years!

    Congratulations to Dawne Ward, our Chief Operating Officer (COO) who is celebrating... Continue Reading