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    CC Pace Culture
    June 11, 2018
    5 min

    CC Pace Sponsors The Stallions!

    CC Pace recently partnered with The Stallions, a highly regarded team in the... Continue Reading
    Career Advice
    June 5, 2018
    1 min

    Attracting Millennials to Join Your Team

    In our previous blog What Really Matters to Millennials Today, we discussed that... Continue Reading
    May 29, 2018
    1 min

    Agile Engineering, SAFe and DevOps: A Roadmap to Adoption at the Potomac Forum

    Most Agile transformation efforts in the government begin with the Scrum process.... Continue Reading
    May 22, 2018
    3 min

    A Recap of Lean Agile DC 2018

    CC Pace spent an informative day at the Center for Innovation Technology (CIT) event... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    May 16, 2018
    2 min

    Food Fight 2018!

    Volunteers from across Northern Virginia came together to take part of an exciting... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    May 10, 2018
    3 min

    Social Contracts and the Agile Team – Part 2

    In part 1, we discussed how a new team could help lay out the foundation of a social... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    April 30, 2018
    2 min

    Where would we be without engineering?

    Can you imagine a world without engineering? It’s a tougher question to answer than... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    April 24, 2018
    3 min

    CC Pace and Celebrations

    Last month at CC Pace’s staff meeting we had the privilege to honor Lauren Iezzoni... Continue Reading
    Career Advice
    April 18, 2018
    1 min

    What Really Matters to Millennials Today

    This post, The No. 1 Thing That Causes Millennial Employees to Quit, states that... Continue Reading
    April 10, 2018
    2 min

    Social Contracts and the Agile Team – Part 1

    It’s a scenario we’ve all been a part of before. To shake things up, your Agile... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    March 26, 2018
    3 min

    Crossing the Chasm into the Digital Age

    Almost everywhere we look, we see the signs of a rapidly progressing transformation... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    March 19, 2018
    3 min

    Corporate Culture – it’s more than just Buzz Words at CC Pace

    Every company has their own Corporate Culture, which characterizes the qualities of... Continue Reading