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    January 21, 2016
    5 min

    Communication in Distributed Teams

    Face to Face is the best method of communication and that’s the method that Agile... Continue Reading
    January 15, 2016
    2 min

    Working with Remote Team Members

    I’ve been working with large organizations where team members are in multiple... Continue Reading
    Career Advice
    January 4, 2016
    2 min

    CC Pace and Your Goals

    Happy New Year! Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Perhaps you’d like to spend... Continue Reading
    December 22, 2015
    2 min

    Agile – Adopting to Change vs Following a Plan – a football analogy

    As I sat watching Sunday Football, and thinking of my upcoming blog… I became aware... Continue Reading
    December 17, 2015
    3 min

    An Hour of Code, Minecraft Edition

    Recently, I had one of those rare moments when my son, a 3rd grader, seemed to... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 15, 2015
    4 min

    35 Things CC Pace Employees are Thankful For

    This past year as CC Pace celebrates our 35th anniversary, it has caused us many... Continue Reading
    December 8, 2015
    7 min

    The Product Vision Statement – When the Vision Becomes Reality

    You are embarking on a new software development project. Presumably, if it’s a Scrum... Continue Reading
    December 3, 2015
    11 min

    Open that Window (part 2)

    As coaches, we help teams grow and mature. Mature, effective teams understand each... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 2, 2015
    3 min

    What is Thanksgiving without Pie?

    In America there are an estimated 50 million pumpkin pies served on Thanksgiving Day... Continue Reading
    November 25, 2015
    2 min

    Overcoming the Challenges of Acquiring Agile Digital Services in Government

    On November 5, 2015, Phil Fewell, Managing Director at CC Pace, and I attended... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    November 23, 2015
    5 min

    10 Minutes and More with Mike Gordon

    It is said that the President of the United States is the most sought-after... Continue Reading
    November 19, 2015
    5 min

    The Creature from the Pit

    Like Martin Fowler, I am a long-time Doctor Who fan. Although I haven’t actually... Continue Reading