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    April 7, 2021
    1 min

    Going Serverless: A Case Study

    Last year, we worked with experts from George Mason University to build a COVID... Continue Reading
    Career Advice
    March 11, 2021
    1 min

    Working with CC Pace!

    We would like to introduce Deepak Palanivelu to you. Due to Deepak’s positive... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    March 1, 2021
    3 min

    The What’s In and What’s Out of CC Pace

    It is pretty safe to say that, as we enter our 12th month of quarantining and the... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    February 22, 2021
    5 min

    Peace-of-Mind in the Workplace

    Small and medium sized companies are trying to return to “normal.” This short blog... Continue Reading
    February 17, 2021
    9 min

    Agile 2 – Heads and Tails

    A look at Agile 2’s values and why we need both sides of the coin to create value. Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    January 19, 2021
    1 min

    Lean Startup with a Twist!

    CC Pace was recently featured in Agile Uprising’s Blog series. Agile Uprising is a... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 30, 2020
    2 min

    40th Anniversary Community Outreach Challenge!

    It’s an understatement to say that 2020 has been a challenging year. In the midst of... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    December 16, 2020
    3 min

    40 Fun Facts about CC Pace!

    Welcome to our last blog in our 40 Years and Forward series, where we introduce you... Continue Reading
    December 7, 2020

    The Pass2Play App!

    As 2020 has unfolded, our development team has been working on a brand new app:... Continue Reading
    CC Pace Culture
    November 30, 2020
    2 min

    CC Pace vs COVID

    It is almost a certainty in years to come, that we will all recall that period in... Continue Reading
    November 16, 2020
    4 min

    Are your Product Owners Truly Empowered? Part 3

    In the first installment of our Product Owner Empowerment series, we talked about... Continue Reading
    Financial Services
    November 11, 2020
    5 min

    COVID 19 – Changing the Digital Banking Landscape: Part 2

    In my previous blog, I highlighted that different banking “personas” have differing... Continue Reading