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    Business Solutions

    Business Solutions
    October 9, 2018
    2 min

    Looking Beyond Digitization

    As digitization of the mortgage process (finally) gains steam, lenders need to start... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    August 21, 2018
    6 min

    Alexa, What’s Next in Lending?

    Whether delivered by a rocket or obtained at a depot, the reality is that the... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    July 9, 2018
    3 min

    The Customer Perspective… From Beginning to End

    We only have to take a look around to know that while great strides have been made... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    May 10, 2018
    3 min

    Social Contracts and the Agile Team – Part 2

    In part 1, we discussed how a new team could help lay out the foundation of a social... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    April 30, 2018
    2 min

    Where would we be without engineering?

    Can you imagine a world without engineering? It’s a tougher question to answer than... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    March 26, 2018
    3 min

    Crossing the Chasm into the Digital Age

    Almost everywhere we look, we see the signs of a rapidly progressing transformation... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    December 4, 2017
    2 min

    Mortgage Banking & Technology: Lenders' Perspective

    The Financial Services Team at CC Pace is very proud to announce the posting of a... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    September 25, 2017
    5 min

    Kirk or Picard as Project Manager?

    With Star Trek: Discovery’s television debut rapidly approaching, I can’t help but... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    September 20, 2017
    5 min

    Revisiting the Lessons I Learned as an Intern – 20 Years Later as a Mentor

    Boy this summer flew by quickly! CC Pace’s summer intern, Niels, enjoyed his last... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    June 14, 2017
    5 min

    Gambling on Project Execution

    A startling statistic that often gets overlooked is that 70% of projects world-wide... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    May 15, 2017
    1 min

    The Art of Planning an LOS Implementation Budget

    Pulling from our considerable experience with the unique aspects of implementing a... Continue Reading
    Business Solutions
    April 24, 2017
    4 min

    Make Your System Demo Count!

    As a continuation of our blog series on system selection, it’s time to discuss... Continue Reading