Blog | CC Pace

Video Interviewing – What the Future Looks Like - CC Pace

Written by P. Henricks | Jan 31, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Can you believe it is already 2018? Think about all the technological advances there have been in the last 10 years… no actually make that 5 years ­- it is truly unbelievable! All of this new technology has created a culture of “now”. Interested in watching something on TV – just stream it, “now”. Do you want to ask someone a quick question, no matter where they are – just shoot them a text, “now”.  Do you want to order something and have it delivered today – just get online and order it, “now”.

Move that thinking to the human resources or recruiting department of an organization where they think, if only we could start to screen for this position “now”. If only we can confirm this candidate is as good in person, as they are on paper “now”. This is where the advantage of video interviewing comes into play.

This article, 15 Advantages of Video Interviews You Didn’t Know About, discusses how companies, both big and small, are using this technology to screen candidates, streamline the hiring process and save these organizations time and money.  A video interview is a great way to connect with a potential employer, so be prepared as you begin your next job search and make sure you are camera ready!