Blog | CC Pace

Wondering What 2017 Brings for Job Hunters? - CC Pace

Written by P. Henricks | Jan 17, 2017 5:00:00 AM

As we move further into the 21st century and our technologies continue to advance, it is changing the landscape for all aspects of business, including job searching. The key question every candidate needs to be asking is, “what’s new with job hunting in 2017?” This article from AOL discusses the 2017 Trends for Job Seekers to watch.

Today, in the United States alone, 85% of companies have a Facebook page, and 94% of recruiters use social media to find high-quality candidates. These numbers alone are incredibly high, but think about it, who do you actually know that doesn’t use some form of social media (grandparents excluded)? At CC Pace we maintain a strong social media presence for all aspects of our company, and continue to seek the best candidates for our job opportunities frequently using Linked In and Facebook, as well as other forms of communications.

Traditional methods of sending a resume and cover letter are being passed by with video screenings and online communications. Remember that advice you have heard repeatedly: be careful what you post on the internet because once you put it out there, it’s out there forever? That has never been more true. There is nothing worse than finding a qualified candidate and having to pass them over for a position based on what is found when a hiring manager Googles their name. The same goes for the hiring company, savvy job hunters are researching you just as thoroughly.